Web Development


WanderLusts is an ML Powered Social Media Platform for Travellers. A Google CodeU Summer 2019 Project.

  • Client: Google
  • Role: Full stack developer

WanderLusts is an ML Powered Social Media Platform for Travellers. The project was presented to fellow CodeU developers and Google engineers & mentors during the CodeU APAC retreat at Google APAC office at Singapore.

With our WanderLust Community,

  • You can connect to a community of Travel Enthusiasts
  • Share you favourite memories with like minded people
  • Explore your favourite travel destinations in the world
  • Interact in hate-speech free platform
  • Automatically generate hastags for your images
  • Generate speech for all your text posts!

Tools Used:

  • HTML
  • Servlet
  • JS
  • Google API
  • Google ML API
  • Git

Skills Developed:

  • Web Development
  • Version Control
  • Machine Learning

Github Repo

Sentimental Analysis of Customer Responses
Deep Learning

Sentimental Analysis of Customer Responses

This project aims to predict the risk of customer support tickets escalating, in order to help organizations manage their support more efficiently and improve the customer experience.

Dengue AI
Machine Learning

Dengue AI

Predicting weekly dengue cases for Iquitos and San Juan using Machine Learning algorithms.