SQL Query Optimization Tips for Data Engineers and Analysts
Photo by Ivan Diaz on Unsplash

Optimizing SQL queries is an important skill for data engineers and data analysts to have in their toolkit. Inefficient or poorly-written queries can lead to long running times, which can be frustrating for users and can even bring down a database if there are too many requests being made at once. In this blog post, we will cover some tips for optimizing your SQL queries to ensure that they run efficiently and quickly. By following these best practices, you can help to improve the performance of your data processing and analysis tasks.

Here are some tips for optimizing your SQL queries

1. Only select the columns that you require:

It is generally a good idea to only select the columns that you actually need for your analysis or transformation. This can help to reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred, which can lead to faster query times.

Bad query:

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col4 = 'some value';

Good query:

SELECT col1, col3, col5 FROM table1 WHERE col4 = 'some value';

2.Use correlated queries instead of un correlated sub queries:

A correlated query is a subquery that depends on the outer query. It is usually more efficient to use un correlated queries instead of correlated subqueries, as the latter needs to be run for each row of the outer query, which can be time-consuming.

Un correlated query:

SELECT t1.col1, t1.col2 FROM table1 t1 
WHERE col1 = (SELECT MAX(t2.col1) FROM table2 t2);

Correlated query:

SELECT t1.col1, t1.col2
FROM table1 t1
WHERE col1 = (SELECT t2.col1 FROM table2 t2 WHERE t2.col2 = t1.col2);

3. Use group by columns with fewer distinct values

When you use the GROUP BY clause in a inner clause SQL query, the database groups the rows based on the values in the specified columns. It is generally more efficient to group by columns that have fewer distinct values. This is because the database has to store fewer group by keys, which can lead to faster query times.

For example, consider the following table:

user_id state city
2 NY Albany

If we want to count the number of users in each city, we could use the following query:

SELECT city, COUNT(*) FROM users GROUP BY city;

This would give us the following result:

city count
Albany 1
LA 2
SF 1

Now, let’s say we want to count the number of users in each state. We could use the following query:

SELECT state, COUNT(*) FROM users GROUP BY state;

This would give us the following result:

state count
CA 3
NY 3

In this example, grouping by state is more efficient than grouping by city, because state has fewer distinct values (2) compared to city (4). The database has to store fewer group by keys when grouping by state, which can lead to faster query times.

4. Avoid using an order by clause in sub queries

If you are using a subquery, try to avoid using an ORDER BY clause in it. This is because the subquery will have to be run and then sorted, which can be time-consuming.

Bad query:

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col1 IN (SELECT col1 FROM table2 WHERE col2 = 'some value' ORDER BY col3);

Good query:

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col1 IN (SELECT col1 FROM table2 WHERE col2 = 'some value');

5.Use indexing and clustering

Indexing and clustering can help to improve the performance of your queries. An index is a data structure that allows the database to quickly locate rows based on the values in one or more columns. Clustering involves storing rows that have similar values together on disk, which can also improve query performance.

Bad query:

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col1 = 'some value';

Good query:

CREATE INDEX idx_col1 ON table1 (col1);

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col1 = 'some value';

6. Consider partitioning

If you have a large table that you frequently query, you may want to consider partitioning it. This involves dividing the table into smaller pieces, or partitions, which can make queries run faster by only searching a subset of the data.

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col1 BETWEEN 10000 AND 20000;

Good query:

CREATE TABLE table1 (col1 INT, col2 VARCHAR(255))

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col1 BETWEEN 10000 AND 20000;

By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can help to optimize your SQL queries and improve the performance of your data processing and analysis tasks. Remember to only select the columns that you require, use correlated queries instead of un correlated subqueries, group by columns with fewer distinct values, avoid using an order by clause in subqueries, use indexing and clustering, and consider partitioning to improve the performance of your queries. By taking the time to optimize your SQL queries, you can help to ensure that your data processing and analysis tasks run smoothly and efficiently.


  1. SQL Performance Tuning: 7 Practical Tips for Developers
  2. SQL Query Optimization: How to Tune Performance of SQL Queries
  3. MySQL Performance Tuning: Top 10 Easy Tips
  4. 10 SQL Server Performance Tuning Best Practices
SQL Query Optimization Tips for Data Engineers and Analysts
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SQL Query Optimization Tips for Data Engineers and Analysts